Today is Candlemass Day. We are, thankfully, half way between Winter's shortest, darkest day and the Spring Equinox. There are already signs that there are lighter and brighter days to come.
Shoots are appearing, pushing their way out of the earth, ready to grow and flower in the days that follow.
Out in the ancient woodlands in the countryside of East London, the sun has been shining,
although the trees are still bare.

But many of them have buds forming - tiny bundles of hope and joy that will grow until they burst open to reveal new leaves.
It was still light in London at 5pm today and a glorious sunset followed.

Snowdrops are appearing, and their tiny white bells are signs that Winter is on its way out. With their heads down, they appear so shy and modest. And yet here they are - always amongst the first to spring up from the cold, cold earth.
And hidden inside, an incredible secret - scientists have found a compound in their bulbs that may have uses in modern medicine.

Once again, nature is giving us the greatest gift of all - hope.